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Our staff make this hospital what it is, everyone’s contribution is valued and acknowledged.
Just joined us? We have put together some information to help you settle into your new role.
Are you interested in working in health, but not sure where to start? With over 100 different roles worked within the Trust, find the right career that fits with you.
We recognise how daunting starting at a new place of work may be. Whilst we have over 11,000 staff working here at CUH, we pride ourselves on our community atmosphere and positive team spirit.
As a Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW), you will be a valued member of your team.
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) provide frontline healthcare and treatment to help rehabilitate patients who are ill, have disabilities or have special needs, to live life as fully as possible.
Healthcare science staff play a vital role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a huge number of medical conditions.
Did you know that there are over 350 different careers roles within the NHS? Here are just a few of the wider careers within the NHS that we cover here at CUH.
Our progressive and friendly pharmacy department consists of approximately 250 staff.
The Facilities Management service at Cambridge University Hospitals provides a wide range of services covering estates and hotel services functions.
We have a brilliant, active and highly valued team of more than 500 volunteers who give some of their time to make a difference for patients every week.
Jackie joined CUH in 2017 after completing Applied Science BTEC at Sixth Form College. Jackie joined as a direct entry level 3 lab technician apprentice and then moved into a substantive job role and onto the degree programme straight after completing the Level 3.
Davinia joined CUH in 2017 as an Occupational Therapy Assistant and in 2019 started her degree apprenticeship to become a qualified Occupational Therapist (OT). Before joining the hospital Davinia was already working in patient care.
Mignon came to CUH from the Philippines in May 2016 and undertook the OSCE preparation programme.
Chinese Philosopher – Lao Tsu once said – “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. Here I am, 6,754 miles away from my home back in the Philippines and my journey is only beginning as I am constantly learning every day.
Apple works on one of our Care of the Elderly wards. Hear more about Apple's experiences here.
Hear from Jay Jay, one of our Practice Lead Nurses talk about his overseas experience.
Develop your skills, knowledge and expertise
You can get in touch online, by email, phone or in writing. We will aim to contact you within 48 hours of receiving your enquiry.
Walking, cycling, bus or train. There are lots of options for travelling to and from our campus.
We are committed to eliminating discrimination and ensuring equality in care, and continue to embed our equality and diversity values into our policies, procedures and everyday practice.
Keep up to date with the latest news about upcoming recruitment days, open day events and other career related news.